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Basic characteristics of school-based curriculum development

  • 课程
  • 2023-12-28 16:56:25
  • 3877

壹、Characteristics of school-based development

School-based curriculum development refers to the school's own nature, characteristics, conditions and resources that can be utilized and developed in order to achieve educational purposes or solve school educational problems. , curriculum development activities carried out by school education personnel in cooperation with groups or individuals outside the school.

Element characteristics

(1) All elements involved in curriculum development

As a curriculum development activity, school-based curriculum development It involves the formulation of course objectives, selection of course content, course implementation, course evaluation and other basic elements of course development. In the past, extracurricular activities and interest group activities were only supplements or extensions of the classroom, not a curriculum development activity, and lacked the basic elements of curriculum development.

(2) People-oriented

School-based curriculum development is a curriculum development activity based on, for, and belonging to the school, that is, based on the school, based on the school, and with the school as the main body curriculum development. School-based curriculum development attaches great importance to the development and utilization of school and community resources, emphasizes the highlighting of school-running characteristics and concepts, and pays attention to the role of teachers as the main body of curriculum development.

(3) Spontaneity and voluntariness

School-based curriculum development is a spontaneous curriculum development process aimed at the school’s characteristic needs. To a certain extent, it can take into account regional or inter-school curriculum development. The individual differences are helpful for teachers to use them flexibly in the classroom according to the characteristics of their region and school.

(4) A continuous and dynamic process

School-based curriculum development can be adjusted and changed at any time according to social changes and student needs, making the curriculum more flexible, diverse and flexible . It does not advocate the writing of fixed and formal teaching materials, but emphasizes activities and processes to maintain greater openness, flexibility and adaptability.

贰、Basic features of school-based curriculum development

The basic features of school-based curriculum development are as follows:

(1) Practicality

Most school-based courses are Practical courses, not academic courses. It does not take systematic knowledge as the basic content, nor does it take reading and listening as the main learning methods. Instead, it organizes diverse and dynamic course resources around the problems that students need to discuss and solve, and guides students in investigation, research, discussion and inquiry. Conduct lively learning in other activities.

In the process of promoting the full development of students' cognition, emotion and behavior, the school-based curriculum will cultivate students' awareness of subjectivity, cooperation, innovation and practical ability, communication ability, and the ability to collect and process information. , the ability to discover and solve problems is the focus. Therefore, it emphasizes that students should learn through activities, focus on direct experience and experience accumulation, and oppose the tendency to emphasize theory over practice, knowledge over ability. Obviously, practicality is the most essential feature of school-based courses.

(2) Exploratory

The school-based curriculum is based on the core concept of cultivating students' innovative spirit and practical ability. Each school-based course should organize learning content and arrange learning activities around a series of important issues or challenging tasks. Students will participate in learning activities according to a series of topics or themes, collect written materials and practical materials during the activities, and then pass Use your own thinking, operations, and discussions with peers to solve problems or submit works.

The answers to each topic or theme are mostly practical answers (that is, showing various works), and there are also cognitive answers. Some topics or topics have multiple answers. As long as students speak logically and operate with evidence, they can get excellent results.

(3) Comprehensive

The content of each school-based course is based on a theme or topic and is drawn from a variety of disciplines and a variety of modern media. Collect organized. This kind of comprehensive content is not bound by the subject knowledge system, so it is conducive to the comprehensive application of multiple knowledge and the balanced development of multiple abilities.

(4) Taking students as the main body

The construction of each school-based curriculum places the development of students at the center. First of all, we should take students' special needs as the starting point and focus on the development of students' potential and the improvement of students' emotions. Secondly, the organization of each school-based course content and the arrangement of learning activities leave some space for students' active participation and create some conditions for students to ask questions, collect materials, operationalize thinking, draw conclusions or submit works under the guidance of teachers.

叁、Briefly describe the characteristics, advantages, disadvantages and considerations of school-based curriculum development.
[Answer]: (1) The school-based curriculum is developed by the school with reference to national curriculum standards, local curriculum frameworks and the development interests and needs of the school’s students. It is a curriculum designed to reflect the school’s characteristics and is developed by students. Curriculum developed, implemented and evaluated by teachers in the host school. (2) The school-based curriculum has distinctive local characteristics and can better reflect the school's running characteristics; the school-based curriculum is a continuous, dynamic, and gradually improved process. Teachers can frequently revise the school-based curriculum according to changes in the situation; using the school-based curriculum can Give teachers a sense of job satisfaction and achievement; school-based curriculum encourages and absorbs the participation of teachers, students, parents and members of the public. (3) Advantages of school-based courses: ① It can improve the school’s education level and highlight its school-running characteristics; ② It can improve the professional level of teachers because teachers have the opportunity to participate in the development and teaching of school-based courses; ③ It can also maximize the Reflect local educational characteristics, promote student development, and adapt to local conditions; ④ Schools can share resources and promote exchanges. (4) School-based curriculum also has some disadvantages, mainly manifested in: ① After the power of curriculum preparation is delegated to teachers and students, the differences in curriculum between schools will inevitably be expanded, and the imbalance of education quality between schools will be aggravated. ; ② The educational resources consumed are significantly higher than the needs for implementing the national curriculum; ③ School-based curriculum often lacks long-term and systematic planning, and is often limited to teaching what teachers are good at, and cannot truly integrate into the school's educational characteristics. (5) Thinking: ① We should strengthen exchanges between schools, teachers, teachers and experts, have a deep understanding of school-based courses, and create school-based courses more professionally; ② Pay attention to the diversity of the teacher team, and pay attention to the diversity of teachers in terms of age. , academic qualifications, abilities, majors, and specialties must be diversified, and teachers’ talents and abilities should be complementary, which also adds new vitality and ideas to the development of school-based courses; ③ Before the development of school-based courses, it is necessary to establish effective leadership core and effective organization Management; ④ School-based courses focus on systematic and long-term planning and design, and can be further refined and specific after planning is in place; ⑤ Strengthen teachers' educational theoretical literacy, etc.