Basic concepts of Zhang Xuemen’s behavioral courses

作者:贸孟叶 | 发布日期:2024-09-20 10:34:58

本文目录一览⓵Curriculum Behavioral Curriculum (Zhang Xuemen)
1. The basic meaning of the curriculum
In the context of teaching materials as the center at that time, Zhang Xuemen named the kindergarten curriculum For behavioral courses, there are two reasons.
(1) The direct experience obtained by an individual in contact with the environment is the basic experience of life. Only with direct experience can memory, imagination and various psychological effects of thought occur. If the basic experience is incorrect, then All psychological effects are naturally incorrect.
(2) In view of the phenomenon that some kindergarten teaching materials at that time were mainly made up of elementary school textbooks, or crude translations were used to make up the numbers, and teachers poured abstract knowledge into children in categories, Zhang Xuemen believes that the only purpose of teaching materials should be to enrich children's lives.
Zhang Xuemen advocates behavioral courses. He proposes that the first thing that kindergarten courses should pay attention to is actual behavior.
2. Zhang Xuemen proposed five criteria for selecting teaching materials
(1) "Should meet the needs of children"
(2) " The meaning of social life should be taken into account.”
(3) "Materials should be collected in children's own environment." What children can reflect is the society in their own environment, but it is definitely not the society of adults.

(4) "The importance of social life should be taken into account"
(5) "All impulsive habits and attitudes not mentioned above"
3. .Steps in organizing behavioral courses
(1) The environment should be evaluated
(2) The selection criteria should be: activities must be universal; activities must be real; activities should be selected. It must be repre sentative; the activity must be conducive to future actions.
(3) Formulate a course plan that specifically includes motivation, purpose, activity process, tools and materials. 4. Preparation before course implementation
(1) Knowledge pre paration
(2) Technical pre paration. Preparation for work procedure analysis.
(4) Preparation of tools and materials.
(5) Concentrated pre paration, that is, psychological pre paration. >5. Teacher’s guidance in course implementation
(1) Planning guidance
(2) Knowledge guidance. 3) Technical guidance
(4) Interest guidance
(5) Habitual guidance. Attitudinal guidance.
6. Evaluation content in four aspects after the implementation of the course
Although Zhang Xuemen did not list detailed evaluation indicators, he briefly talked about them. Evaluation content in four aspects after the implementation of the curriculum
(1) "The behavior of young children should be reviewed"
(2) "The behavior of young children should be reviewed. Have continued attention".
(3) "The behavior of young children should be recorded"
(4) "The behavioral experience of young children should be estimated"< /div> ⓶The characteristic of Zhang Xuemen's kindergarten curriculum is a lack of flexibility, right?
The characteristic of Zhang Xuemen's kindergarten curriculum is not a lack of flexibility. The basic ideas of Zhang Xuemen's kindergarten behavior curriculum theory are "life is education" and "behavior is curriculum", which emphasizes that children can gain direct experience through their actual behavior; at the same time, it requires organizing teaching according to children's abilities, interests and needs. It advocates adopting unit design methods to break the boundaries of various disciplines. Zhang Xuemen's thoughts and practices on infant normal education have a very distinctive feature, that is, they pay great attention to practice. From the very beginning, they have given prominence to appre nticeships and internships based on the basic guiding ideology of "horse riders should learn on horseback." important position.

⓷Chen Heqin and Zhang Xuemen's curriculum philosophy
Chen Heqin's philosophy: He proposed a living education theory, valued scientific experiments, advocated that the development of China's children's education should be suitable for national conditions, and consistent with the laws of children's physical and mental development, and called for the establishment of children's education Teacher training system. Compile dozens of kindergarten and primary school textbooks and children's extracurricular reading materials, design and promote toys, teaching aids and kindergarten group equipment. Zhang Xuemen's philosophy: The basic ideas of kindergarten behavioral curriculum theory are "life is education" and "behavior is curriculum", which emphasizes that children can gain direct experience through their actual behaviors. At the same time, it is required to organize teaching according to children's abilities, interests and needs, and advocates the adoption of unit design methods to break the boundaries of various disciplines.