It’s embarrassing to be admitted to graduate school at the age of 40

作者:掌仲骞 | 发布日期:2024-09-20 08:14:30

Awkward 40-year-old age classic quotes
1. The biggest unwiseness of many people is not that they don’t know what is right, but that they know it but are unwilling to take action. Therefore, there are many mediocre and self-pitying people around.
2. Since you have decided not to look back, don’t forget the past. If you are destined to miss it, why make a vow? Today's everything disappears like water. Tomorrow you and I will be strangers.
3. The cruelty of life is that it uses sadness to make you understand the meaning of happiness, uses noise to teach you to appre ciate tranquility, and uses frustration to remind you that the road ahead may be equally difficult.
4. In this world, there are only a few truly happy people: one is those who have found their place in life, are willing to be ordinary, and accept everything in life; the other is those who continue to pursue their dreams, overcome the turmoil, A person who pursues endless possibilities.
5. You never need to find, pursue or win love, because love will not hide, run away, or ask for any price from you. You just need to leave a space for love in your heart, and it will naturally fill your heart.
6. Only when you let go can you understand the value of possession; only when tears fall, can you understand how painful your heart is; only when your heart is broken, can you appre ciate the bitterness of love; only when love leaves, can you feel the loss of being loved.
7. Be moderate in your behavior and don’t worry too much. If the water is clear, there will be no fish; if the people are clear, there will be no disciples. Life is short, don’t always worry about others.
8. If you don’t work hard to find fun in life, emptiness, boredom, boredom or even nothingness will soon fill your mind and permeate your life.
9. Some flaws may seem insignificant to others and not worth mentioning; but if they happen to you, it will be difficult to treat them lightly, and you may even be unable to let go of them throughout your life.
10. Nothing is difficult for those who are determined, but with integrity, the road will be clear. Maintaining a correct attitude can make your life more calm and comfortable. Your mentality depends on you. As long as you are willing, you can give yourself a correct mentality.

What do you think is the current employment dilemma for graduate students?

The number of college graduates is increasing year by year, and employment difficulties have long become a fact that cannot be ignored. Coupled with the media’s special attention to employment topics, employment issues have become a hot topic of discussion.

The current employment dilemma of graduate students:

1. The rapid growth of the number of graduate students and the weakening of competitive advantages

The employment competition for graduates is becoming increasingly fierce. Due to the impact of economic transformation and saturated market demand, the employment situation of graduate students is not optimistic, highlighting a series of problems. Even graduate students from some "first-class universities" are no exception. In some key universities, the employment rate of graduate students is even lower than that of undergraduates. Condition.

2. The quality of postgraduate training has declined, and the phenomenon of “mismatch between academic qualifications and abilities” has emerged

On the one hand, the expansion of postgraduate enrollment has made the training tasks of colleges and universities Aggravated. On the other hand, the training model for graduate students needs to be improved. At the same time, this training method also makes graduate students ignore the improvement of compre hensive quality and the training of practical ability. In addition, the teaching content of postgraduate courses is relatively outdated and rarely incorporates the latest research results related to the courses.

3. There are problems with the employment concept of graduate students. The expectations for job hunting are generally high, and there is a situation of "high or low" situation

First, the employment tendency of graduate students Too concentrated. Second, graduate students are under great employment pre ssure and lack psychological endurance. In addition, graduate students are all admitted after a lot of hard work, and they all want their efforts to be realized and their value to be discovered, so graduate students will inevitably have higher expectations when it comes to employment.

4. Employment guidance for postgraduate students in some universities is not adequate

1. Employment guidance agencies are not fully equipped. 2. The employment guidance teachers themselves are not professional enough.


1. Increase reform efforts and compre hensively improve the quality of graduate training

1. Colleges and universities must cultivate innovative talents model.

2. Graduate students themselves must have the courage to practice and strive to improve their overall personal quality.

2. Colleges and universities should give full play to their main role and strengthen employment and entrepre neurship guidance for graduate students.

1. Raise awareness, improve graduate employment and entrepre neurship guidance institutions, strengthen the construction of graduate employment and entrepre neurship guidance courses, and infiltrate the cultivation of graduate employability, innovation and entrepre neurship capabilities into the entire process of graduate education.

2. Strengthen the construction of graduate employment guidance teachers and improve the level of professional guidance.

3. Improve the postgraduate employment and entrepre neurship guidance course system.

3. Graduate students should improve their employability.

1. Graduate students must change their traditional views on employment.

2. While graduate students are conducting academic research in colleges and universities, they cannot completely isolate themselves from social work. They must always pay attention to the country’s needs for higher education talents and the requirements and standards for graduate students’ abilities, so as to carry out their studies. In addition to professional research, we should improve our own shortcomings and integrate with social needs.

3. Graduate students should respond to the country’s call for “mass entrepre neurship and innovation” and seize opportunities to actively start businesses based on their own abilities.